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Omnichannel Contact Center: 5 Best Practices for 2024

Krutant Iyer
January 10, 2024
min read

Omnichannel Contact Center is the need of the hour. Let’s understand this further by exploring three different examples of a customer’s complaint and how three different businesses handle the situation when they have access to a traditional call center, a multichannel contact center, and an omnichannel contact center.

Context: A customer receives his new credit card from the bank, but upon checking the customer discovers his name has been misspelled on the card and wishes to get it corrected.

Now let’s look at three instances of this customer approaching his bank for resolution.

Traditional Call CentreMultichannel Customer CareOmnichannel Customer Care
Customercalls the customer support number, but instead of getting connected to acustomer support personnel, he is taken down the IVR menus rabbit-hole, thatonly adds to his frustration. After wasting nearly 20-30 minutes navigatingthrough the various options, the customer finally gets connected to an agent.Customer interacts with the banks WhatsApp Chatbot to find aresolution but is unable to find a way to report the issue or place a requestfor replacement card. The Chatbot advises the customer to speak with a humanagent over call.Customer scans the QR code embedded on the envelope with thecredit card and is immediately connected with an agent from credit carddepartment of the bank over live chat. After collecting basic information,the agent switches the chat to a video call to verify the customers identityand the issue at hand.
Customer isdisappointed to learn that he will have to visit his banks home branchoffice to return the card and submit a physical form at the branch office torequest for the card replacement.Customer connects with an agent on call and has to repeat hisissue all over again since the agent doesnt have any context of thecustomers grievance from his earlier interaction with WhatsApp Chatbot.

The agent then asks the customer to click and share the photo-proof of themisspelled name on the credit card via email, along with a summary of hisrequest.

The customer follows the agents instructions and finally receives an acknowledgementfrom the bank on email.
After the verification is successfully completed, the customerimmediately receives an acknowledgement SMS and email from his bank,confirming his request for card replacement has been registered, along withthe next steps in the process.

As we can deduce from the above scenarios, the customer’s quickest path to resolution was through omnichannel customer care.  

Many leaders erroneously believe that maintaining an Omnichannel Contact Center can be quite a cumbersome task. Let’s break the myth, and look at some of the most recommended, but seldom followed best practices that can give your business the edge to march ahead of your competitors, with your valued employees and satisfied customers in tow.  

1. Unify All Touchpoints and Experiences

As we can see from the above example, merely maintaining presence across multiple mediums and channels is not enough to deliver satisfactory customer service. While you are providing your customers the flexibility to connect with your business across any channel of their choosing, are you doing justice to your agents, who are expected to manage provide consistent experience across mediums and channels to the customers?  

Empower your employees with the right omnichannel communication solution that not just brings together all communication touchpoints, but also unifies essential customer data, integrates seamlessly with productivity tools and systems, so that your team can predict what the customer wants before they ask for it and engage with them proactively.

2. Cross-functional Ownership

Gone are the days when only customer support team was responsible to engage with the customers, note the complaints, pass it on relevant internal teams, and get back to the customers with the resolution or response suggested by the said teams. This is process was long, unwieldy, and costly. Not to mention, it also didn’t help with increasing he customer satisfaction (CSAT) for score.  

Onboarding an omnichannel contact center can give various teams context of ongoing conversations with customers. By applying smart routing rules, a business can direct a product enquiry to the respective product team, a deals/coupons enquiry to the marketing team, or a business enquiry to the sales team within moments, without changing multiple hands.  

To thrive in 2024 and beyond, every department within a business will need to take ownership driving customer experience through a unified system.

3. Improve Customer’s Self-Service Accessibility

Reduce the load on your agents but empowering customers to find answers on their own. This can easily be achieved by expanding your FAQ section and deploying AI-powered Chatbots to guide the customers to the right destinations.  

2024 is touted to be the year of self-service contact centers, with 81% customers opting to find resolution on their own, without wishing human interaction.  

From automating mundane processes to lowering operational costs, gathering relevant customer data, and automating up-selling and cross-selling opportunities, the choice of self-service leaves the onus of interaction on the customer, on their time, as per their choice.

4. Understand Your Customers

Customer’s needs inspire their decisions. Customers’ desire is what drives them to purchase a product or services form a business. In order to study customers' needs to provide top-notch products and services, offer better deals and discounts, and shape your customer support, and marketing strategies, businesses use multiple apps and tools to identify personas, engage with customers and various stakeholders, store their data securely, etc.  

When a business manages communication, data, and knowledge assets on disjointed ecosystem, it becomes impossible to see a customer’s identity as a whole.  

Instead, a contact center should be powered by a unified communication solution that can bring together identities, data, tools, and teams on one platform to provide a panoramic view of the customer’s journey across various touchpoints, while empowering the business to interact with them on any channel, digital or traditional from a single dashboard.

5. Transcend Digital-Physical Barrier

Don’t break your head over deciding which medium takes more precedence when it comes to delivering excellent customer experience. In-store or physical experiences are equally important to (sometimes more than) digital experiences.  

An omnichannel contact center should bridge the gap between digital and traditional channels to create an indistinguishable experience for the customers.  

This is applicable to almost every industry, be it hospitality, retail, or even real estate.  

For example, a shoe store can leverage past interest from interaction data and shopping data to launch targeted SMS and or email campaign.  

Arming in-store personnel with essential past purchase data, historical browsing data from the business’s website, enables them to deliver an informed, personalised experience to the customers that makes them feel unique, special, and instils a sense of loyalty towards the business.  

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