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3 Live Chat Use Cases to Transform Customer Experience

November 18, 2021
min read

The way we communicate is always changing. From the telegram to phone calls, email to posting on someone’s wall, video calls, and most recently – instant messaging. Which is basically right back to email – but shorter, more casual, and in an instant.

Think about how your communicating all day with friends, colleagues, and family. You’re probably spending more time instant messaging with them on WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook, WeChat, Line and SMS rather than in person. Because we’re chatting away to people with instant messaging all day, the way we want to communicate with businesses is the same.

"A good customer experience is about meeting customers where they already are."

Nine out of ten consumers say they want to use instant messaging to talk with businesses – and they put their money where their mouth is too: consumers are spending more money with businesses that offer live chat.

Your CINNOX solution is more than just a live chat tool however, it’s a web communication widget with a full-set of telecom features. More than just an online customer service channel, it can be used for sales, marketing, virtual appointments, and personal call links.

"But 38% of people hate their live chat experience. Before setting up your live chat widget make sure you’re prepared with what to say and how to talk. It’s all about having an effortless conversation. See: 21 Live Chat tips That Can Help You Win More Customers"

3 use cases

Live Chat for smarter, efficient customer service

Customers can easily find you when they need you. It’s that simple. When a customer has a question or feedback and they can’t find the answer on your website, they look to the live chat widget. To easily funnel answers and information to visitors, live chat widgets act as a mini directory that follows them and remains relevant no matter what page they’re visiting. Think of them as a virtual assistant or personal butler.

"As a customer there’s nothing more annoying than being passed around agents and departments like a hot potato."

Corporate Tag Directory

Create corporate tags to help funnel customers to the right agent, sales person, or department through the live chat widget. Each tag can be personalised with an icon, and set for chat, call or both to specific agents based on the smart routing settings. Set up a Smart Greeting as a prompt or call to action that can trigger customers to select a tag.

Dynamic Directory

With the dynamic directory, display the most relevant content to customers as per the page they’re viewing. Offer call and live chat through the live chat widget to the most relevant agent for that page, or direct customers to a certain agent based on their language and location.

Staff Directory

If enabled, customers can also choose an agent from the staff directory directly on the live chat widget. Customers truly value the personal connection they have to an agent that gave them great service or helped them before, so the ability to choose who they want to help them next time is important.

See more: Corporate tags and staff directory explained

QR Codes and Web Links – for long-lasting customer service and relationships

Agents can also create and send QR codes and web links to customers after an interaction, allowing customers to directly connect to their agent again at the click of a button for effortless communication – and customers don’t need to install any app. Send through one of CINNOX’s instant messengers like SMS, WhatsApp, WeChat, or Facebook Messenger so the customer has access to the link in their preferred channel for future use.

Human to Human Interaction with Video Calls and Screen Sharing

CINNOX connect is the only live chat widget that offers web calls and video calls straight from the interface so businesses can show their human side right from the get go. Perfect for product demonstrations, technical walk-throughs, or creating immersive experiences that help customers feel more supported and respected. In a world where we’re bombarded with 5,000 ads a day, building more human-to-human interactions and personalised experiences is the key to a memorable customer experience. Imagine a customer’s positive word of mouth power if she knows your brand has gone above and beyond to support her, rather than treating her as “just another ticket” to tick off for the day.

Conversational Marketing to build your ‘tribe’ with Live Chat

While live chat widgets started off as a basic chat function for customer service, many brands have been successfully leveraging them for marketing. Especially conversational marketing.

Pure-play e-commerce retailers have realised in recent years that offline players have a lot more data (and more detailed data!) because customers are more comfortable giving away personal information to in-store sales reps, or to fill-in personal data on printed forms when a salesperson asks them to and helps them directly.

The same logic applies to contact us forms and fill-out submissions on your website, which have an average usage rate of less than 3%. You have to force people to fill them out (making it not-optional), and you can’t ask too many questions for everything that you want to know. Attention spans are shorter online than offline, so customers drop out way too frequently.

With live chat the focus is not about directly collecting data, it’s about having an engaging conversation. You can interact with customers and leads in real time, guide them through their purchase journey, and gather information that can help you to create better experiences and products for this person.

Without a live chat widget, the 97% of people who don’t fill out forms on their own intuition would simply be just a single statistic on your audience analytics – rather than a detailed profile in your CRM.

Customise your live chat widget for conversational marketing campaigns – invite them for free demos or workshops over video call, or even share special offers to users with file sharing.

Reports and Insights

Regularly access and review your CINNOX reports and insights. With detailed Customer Reports and Agent Reports, you can cleverly allocate manpower to the peak calling times, identify key pages to tweak your widget and corporate tags, and understand what your customers want to better support them and engage them.

Visitor Profile and Journey

When a new customer chat is confirmed, agents can view the customer profile and make a quick decision about how to best talk with this customer, offer a call, launch a video, or what language to use.

All browser, device, language, time zone, and past interaction information is available to help agents best converse and engage with each particular customer.

"With live chat you can tell if a customer is frustrated, happy, or has a sense of humour, and tailor your responses to match."

Professional services and sales in the digital era

Sales people are busy meeting hundreds of new contacts daily. Let’s face it – they’re the face of your company. It’s also easy for sales people to become overwhelmed with thousands of phone numbers and call logs. The same goes for procurement departments and those working in supply chain and logistics – managing so many numbers, names, partners and potential partners becomes unnecessarily complicated and messy – especially since CRM systems don’t integrate easily with mobile devices. It’s easy to update a new contact on a CRM when sitting at your desk, but when you’re out on the frontlines with events, conferences, and back to back meetings its near impossible.

QR Codes and Web Links – for Sales and Brand Loyalty

QR codes and web links can also be used offline, such as printed in booklets, pamphlets, products, or used on name cards. If your staff are speaking at an international trade show and inspire attendees, those potential customers can enter the web link or scan the QR code for direct calls and chats to the speaker – online, rather than generating huge roaming costs.

Consultations and Virtual Appointments

Leverage the in-widget staff directory for professional services, such as virtual doctor appointments, language tutoring and online 1-1 educational classes. Customers can easily select their teacher or doctor from the list and begin their meeting via video call.

Make use of the corporate tag directory and multi-domain capabilities – customise the widget so that it can connect directly with a specific staff member if someone is viewing their appointment page or profile on your site. Take the hassle out of coordinating multiple programs and software for virtual appointments by funneling it intelligently through the web communication widget.

Safe and Secure Private Communication Channel

The live chat widget can also be used to replace WhatsApp and other channels where your staff don’t want to store the contact details of suppliers and potential partners just yet.

Looking to bulk purchase from a new sword factory in Westeros that you haven’t worked with before? Perhaps they don’t look very legitimate or authentic? Perhaps their offer looks too good to be true? Yes, we would be hesitant to add them on our phone or instant messenger too!

Adapt to using CINNOX as a safe and secure go between channel. Start video calls to see their factory, or initiate screen sharing to review contracts and then send updated files all via CINNOX.

Add dodgy suppliers or super villains to your black list if they’re harassing you, or screen unwanted callers through the Inquiry Manager. Make use of voicemail for virtual numbers, so if a potential client calls while your relaxing in Bermuda then you can get back to them at your earliest convenience.

Going Live in 3… 2… 1….

With many features and capabilities in one simple solution – your CINNOX web communications widget is a powerful tool for any business, product and service.

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