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Web Widget: 5 Ways to Supercharge Your Online Customer Service and Customer Journey

November 24, 2021
min read

Do you still rely on email, phone calls and low-engaging contact forms to interact with your customers? Use a web widget as your go-to service hub and curate a seamless, interactive and personalised experience with live chat and web call features.

Boosting traffic to websites is often likened to a coin push game. Every penny that marketers spent is hoped to bring traffic from off/online and social channels so customers can visit their websites, interact with the brands, and even make purchases.

The question is, does your website have a seamless customer journey and a powerful customer engagement software in place to make customers “stick” around on your website?

Nowadays phone calls, email and contact forms are still the common ways for brands to interact with prospects and customers on websites. Yet these make a siloed and disjointed journey for your customers. Just as coins dropped in hardly push other coins off the edge, it doesn’t boost as much as interaction and conversion as the marketers desire it to.

Now let’s stop for a moment and revisit the typical customer journey on website. What can we learn from it?

The disjointed, conventional customer journey

Customers on your website must turn to you for a reason. They may be interested in your brand and want to place an order with you, but more often than not they turn to you with questions about your products and services, or already at the point of frustration that quality service is called for.

To seek customer support, customers would normally browse through to find the contact details on the Contact Us page. They either make a phone call, write an enquiry email or better still, fill out a contact form available on the website.

Not only does the customer journey turn out long and winding which adds frustration to customers’ experience, it even compounds the challenge for your marketing efforts!

Siloed customer experiences lead to unhappy customers

While it is good to interact with your customers on their preferred channels, these siloed communication channels result in disjointed and inconsistent customer experiences.

After repeated back-and-forth interactions over different channels, visitors may grow frustrated about having to explain their situation over again to different support agents from your team. Not only does it create extra efforts for your support agents to understand their needs and provide contextual service, it implies greater resources to win back unhappy customers!

Email and contact forms only leave your visitors hanging

Measures such as email and contact forms are a good way to collect enquiries and contact details from customers when your support agents cannot pick up the phone.

Still, from the perspective of customers, sending an enquiry email or filling out a contact form leaves them hanging, not knowing if the enquiry will be taken care of, and when they can receive a response. With 90% of customers rate an “immediate” response as important when they have a customer service question, your customers demand more real-time interaction than conventional channels can support.

It fails to keep visitors on your website

Why drive visitors away from your website to connect with you through external channels like phone calls and emails, when you have already spent a load of marketing budget and efforts on driving them to your website?

Keeping in mind that, the longer you can keep visitors engaged on your website, the more likely you are to transform them into consumers.

Web widget: Meeting your customers where they are

How, then, can we enhance customer experience and increase the conversion rate with a streamlined journey?

In the digital age when customers are spoiled with instant gratification, what was considered “nice-to-have” is now an expectation – customers nowadays reward savvy brands that can curate relevant, personalised and interactive communications, along a seamless customer journey. To meet your customers where they are, you will need an all-in-one customer engagement software.

A web widget for customer communication helps create a more streamlined, interactive, and personalised customer experience. A lightweight and easy-to-install application, the web widget packed with live chat and web call features carries a unified communications ecosystem of digital and telecom channels.

Once integrated into your web page, the web widget becomes a go-to online customer service hub with a corporate tag directory, bringing live support to your customers across all devices and environments. Here’s how the customer engagement software can level up your game in engaging your customers and increasing conversion rate.

Amp up your customer service with a web widget

1. Build customer rapport via live chat and web calls

Research discovers that in business communication, live chat helps to generate satisfaction levels of 73%, compared to just 61% for email and 44% for phone. Why? It is because consumers love human touch and they hate waiting!

With the web widget, customers can initiate a chat or a voice conversation at a click wherever they are on your website. A web widget for customer engagement usually provides a complete and unified communications suite that enables one-on-one live chat, crystal-clear voice and video calls as well as conventional toll-free and local support numbers.

Live chat and web call features have a positive impact on sales and customer loyalty. In fact, compared to 22% of buyers who have never used live chat, 40% of buyers who use live chat are more likely to make online purchases! Screen and multimedia sharing also visually enriches your support and helps you understand your customers’ enquiries and needs more deeply.

See our article on 21 live chat tips that can help you win more customers.

2. Connect your customers to the right team

Sometimes being able to connect with the right team can help customers complete a task or make a purchase. While some websites display contact details of various departments or branches, more often than not customers can only be able to talk to the relevant team through forwarded calls and referrals.

The tag directory of web widget comes in to elevate the experience by displaying your corporate directory in an organised and optimised fashion. It allows customers to initiate a direct call or chat with a particular team of yours at one click.

Do you have a clear and easy Call-to-Action on your website to guide visitors into the sales funnel? 70% of small business websites lack a Call-to-Action on their homepages. One creative way to leverage the tag directory feature is to set up a Call-to-Action button that links to your relevant teams, be it a “demo request”, “fashion guide” and “install now” to kick start any conversations based on your business strategy.

If you want to step up the game with a more dynamic directory or call-to-action tags, the widget can also powerfully provide custom directory links such as a directory in various languages depending on device, time, language and preferred language.

3. Personalise your interactions with data-driven customer profiles

74% of consumers say “living profiles” with more detailed personal preferences would be useful if they were used to curate personalised experiences, products and offers.

Customers gravitate towards brands which make them feel recognised, understood and valued. Yet, without visibility into their customers’ journey, agents can only go into customers’ situation blind. That’s why a customer engagement software that provides customer context is crucial in offering personalised support.

Our recommendation? Embed a web widget with identity service so you can personalise your interactions and offers based on unique customer profiles with activity data including their website journey, all inquiry history, agent engaging logs as well as live customer journey mapping.

The convergence model on which a web communication widget is built means you can provide a profile-oriented service with a unified contact no matter where your customers are based or what channels they use.

See more: 3 use cases on transforming customer experience with CINNOX.

4. Goodbye contact forms! Impress even before the first interaction

In many cases where calls and enquiries queue up heavily and may even get dropped due to a long waiting time, contact forms come in handy to gather visitors’ inquiries for follow-up, but that would require visitors’ strong intention to locate the contact form in your website.

As an online customer service hub of your website, the web widget helps gather enquiries through pre-chat and offline support forms from the customers outside the live conversation.

Capturing customers’ details before the conversation allows support agents to understand their background and needs, impressing customers with a highly personalised customer experience.

If a customer doesn’t get to connect with your support agents because no agents are available or support hours is over, they can always leave their contacts and messages in the offline support form or through a voicemail.

The unified communications nature of the customer engagement software means you can easily follow up on missed enquiries in one place. Your potential customers are also less likely to turn away simply because their enquiries are answered immediately.

5. Further captivate with web widget customisation and in-call ad

Don’t waste any chance to build your brand and impress your customers all the way! Start with customising the look and feel of web widget with branding themes to help your visitors easily recognise your brand.

Got a few seconds’ dialing time before your visitors get in a call with you? Take the opportunity to further captivate your visitors and sell your products with an in-call video advertising!

Get your web widget with CINNOX now!

As brands worldwide are moving their business to online, customers will only continue to expect responsive and premium online customer service. A web widget for communication can be the service hub that exceeds your customers’ expectations with responsive and personalised customer engagement.

Harness the power of web widget with CINNOX now and supercharge your customer experience with its best-in-class call and chat features.

How do you leverage web widget in your business? What are the other benefits of using a web widget?

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